Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Cats Have It Goin' On

Okay, is it just me – or do cats really have this whole thing figured out?

As I write this, one of the three cats who live in my house is laying next to me on my bed. Couldn’t look more comfortable if he tried. The cat himself (this one solid black) is really only 15 inches long from nose to base of tale, but when he lounges, he suddenly stretches out to a full 2 feet - just like a slinky! Amazing – it’s better than plastic surgery!

(Geez, If I had this super power, then that would mean when I stretched out, I’d actually be … 64”x8+*&0-34mc=^93, carry the 2 …. about 6 feet tall!!! Sign me up!)

I think that perhaps the most remarkable thing about cats, to me, is that they clearly understand something that we as humans sometimes take the better part of our lives to figure out. Yes, Cats know The Secret. Their every waking thought? …

I am the center of the Universe!

If you live with a cat, then you getexactly what I mean!

They get hungry?… head for the bowl and, voila! - some well-trained human has filled it with tasty morsels! (and if not, there’s usually an accessible garbage can nearby - full of leftovers just ripe for the picking!)

They want attention? … find the closest pair of hands that can pet them and climb squarely into the owner’s lap for affection! (What? Master’s busy doing something? All the better … just lay down right in the middle of the project they are working on, look irresistible and/or be annoying until they can’t resist, give in and meet your needs!)

Tired kitty? … walk, drop, snooze! (Rule?: The more you are completely in the way … as in entirely blocking the path of traffic … the better! This causes all the passer-bys to turn their attention fully to you! … or trip! ... I know, I know … a devilish grin just appeared on cat’s faces everywhere just at the thought!)

Yes, cats have it good and enjoy the finer things in life … and that’s primarily because they do not worry about things the way we humans do.

They just know what they know what they know.

When was the last time your cat showed concern about how messy the house is? How many chores are on the ‘To Do’ list that won’t get tackled today? How badly the grass in the backyard needs to be mowed? How much money is in the bank account? The fact that little Johnny created a mural all over his bedroom wall upstairs with his crayons?

Doesn’t phase ‘em one tiny bit! They cruise right on by to the best spot in the house for a sun bath! Nothing seems to shake them up or steer them off course.

So, I offer that there is a lot to be learned from a cat ... if we humans want to create the life of our dreams for ourselves …

1) Stay confidently and faithfully focused that there will be food in the bowl and hands to stroke you everyday.

2) Be grateful for the really important stuff ( like … the quiet landing at the top of the stairs, the pork chop someone forgot to put back into the fridge, the pile of freshly folded laundry just waiting to be napped on, etc.)

3) Repeat numbers 1 & 2, ad infinitum

Just a thought … today, try thinking ‘outside the litter box’ and watch what happens!

Until Tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. - "I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." - Hippolyte Taine

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