Sunday, January 24, 2010

Use "The Good Stuff"

One day last week, I had my 8 year old in the bathtub – attempting to soak off the day’s dirt in preparation for school the next morning. I frequently tell him he is a ‘dirty, disgusting, smelly little kid’ – to which he always responds with a roll of his eyes, a giggle and an ‘am not!’ Then? He loses the battle and ends up in the tub, much to his dismay!

Baily is my baby. Baily is a lot of things … incredibly smart, extremely sensitive, frighteningly witty and wise beyond his years. But there is one thing Baily is not … Baily is not a good eater! Baily is more than picky … he is … well, he is … impossible! If I could go as long without caring about food as he does, I would put America’s Next Top Model to shame! Baily is a stinker about meals.

Now, since ‘creativity’ is the talent required most frequently (second only to ‘flexibility’ and the art of ‘distraction’) in effective parenting – I have developed some tricks of the trade, so to speak. And the one I pull out of my sleeve when I’m trying to coax Baily to eat something - anything - when he turns down the traditional offerings of breakfast, lunch or dinner is … the ‘special snack’!

Baily has never turned down a ‘special snack’!

Same food. Same purpose. Different delivery! (It’s all in the delivery, folks! Write that hint down for future reference … free of charge and on the house!)

So, back to the bathtub – it just happens to be one of Baily’s favorite places to eat a ‘special snack’. (In all honesty, I think it could be because this is one of the only places I can keep him immobilized long enough to get the job done!) And the other day, from underneath a pile of Mr. Bubble suds, he asked, “Hey Mom, can you make me a special snack?” Need I tell you that when Baily is volunteering to eat, the answer is always “YES!?”

I ran downstairs to the kitchen, gathered up my feast … some turkey lunchmeat, some string cheese, some strawberries … and I began to chop. One of the traits of the special snack is that it is always comprised of small pieces of finger foods! Makes it so much more fun that way!

It was about lunch time, so I decided I would join Baily for a tub-side picnic. (Some quality ‘Mommy and Me’ time was about to take place for sure.) I chopped and I sliced … I sliced and I chopped, until I had made enough for the both of us and then I went to open the cupboard where I keep my paper plates to grab a couple like I would normally do for a snack … but I stopped short!

Suddenly choirs began to play, angels began to sing and rays of light came down from the ceiling – as an entirely different cupboard beckoned me today … it was the ‘good stuff’ cupboard! Oh, we never go into that cupboard except on special occasions!!!

A smile came over my face as I opened the cabinet and retrieved two of my very best hand-painted china plates and took them down. Got that ‘rollercoaster’ feeling in my tummy. Felt a bit devilish. This was going to be good!

Quickly I arranged the food on the two plates and skipped up back up the stairs to present the goodies to my little man. Announcing my arrival before I even entered the bathroom, “Here comes your ‘special snack’!” … I could see the anticipation on Baily’s face.
Then I set down the fancy plates. His eyes got wide. His brow furled briefly. And finally the grin appeared from ear to ear. “Wow, Mom – we never use the good stuff, what’s the occasion?”

I reached out and roughed up his half-soggy hair. “You are, Baily,” I answered. “You are worth using the good stuff.”

The gratitude shined from his eyes. His face softened. “I Love you, Mom – you’re the best mom in the whole world,” he said.

Right then? I felt like it!

So today … find a reason to use the ‘good stuff’. Get it out, dust it off – and put it to good use! You are so worth it!

Until tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. – You know, when you get yourself into the magical, feel good ‘flow’ … every day becomes … a ‘special occasion’!

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