Saturday, January 2, 2010

Even God Rested on Sunday

True confession? It was late last night. (Saturday) And I knew that this morning, people would be looking for yet another uplifting, thought-inducing, spiritually touching post in the world of Closet Wisdom. However …

Me, I was tired. Not true. I was exhausted. Still not 100% honest. I was absolutely spent … body limp, brain soggy, internal motivation had left the building and gone home for the day. I needed to write. I wanted to write. I tried to write.

But every attempt to reach my wisdom came back … ACCESS DENIED.

What to do? What to do?

And then, in a moment of perplexity, a peace-creating thought arrived just in the nick of time!

Even God rested on Sunday!!!

And where I live in my heart … if it worked for God, it’s certainly bound to work for me! I am great at following examples … especially the ones that inspire magnificence! So … guess what I did? …


Might not be earth-shattering for you … but it was one small step for KimbraLee – one giant step for over-achievers everywhere!

You see, my second confession for a Sunday is that I do not rate an A+ in the department of self-care! Oh, I like to pamper myself … but I usually come in on my own ‘to do’ list around number 134! (Right after number 133, which is ‘remove all outdated food from the refrigerator’ and number 132, which is ‘find partners for all socks without mates in laundry room … keeping in mind I have 5 kids … and that’s a lot of socks!)

So today, a gift from my closet to you? Permission to take a day off! Permission to rest! Permission to relax. Permission to jump off of the hamster wheel of life and nibble on chocolate bon-bons, if the spirit so moves you. Why?

First - because YOU deserve a break today! (Geez, I’m dating myself … thanks Ronald McDonald!) and …

Secondly - unless you feed you, you ain’t got nutin’ to give to everyone else who counts on you.

Go recharge your battery. No one will mark you absent. No one will lower your grade. And? Class will resume when you return.

Until tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. - I’m still wearing my jammies!!! I think I might eat in bed today!!! I think I might let the laundry pile up and watch a sappy, foreign, romantic movie with subtitles! Ooooooo, Ahhhhhhh! So naughty!! What are you gonna do?

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