Saturday, January 2, 2010

Purple Cows

Today, I ask you … have you ever woken up to find yourself surrounded by a ‘theme’ in your life? I think it happens to everyone from time to time … perhaps when someone up there is trying to get our attention, if you know what I mean!

Let’s just use purple cows as an example -

You get up first thing in the morning , flip on your radio and your favorite d.j.’s are talking about a great new movie all about purple cows that just started showing in a theatre near you.

On your drive to work, you turn the corner by your usual coffee stop and the billboard at the side of the road that’s always advertised new cars? It’s now plastered with a huge, unpretentious, grinning … purple cow.

You get into the office and your receptionist lets you know three people need your immediate attention to discuss something that they claim just can’t wait – you call them in, one at a time, only to find out each one wants to talk to you about … yep, you guessed it … purple cows!

You know what I’m talking about, right? It’s a purple cow invasion!!!

The burning question that begs to be asked here is … do you ignore this happening and write it off as a coincidence? Or do you step back, get quiet for a minute and pay attention to what message might be in it for you?

Life is full and we are all so busy. We tend to ‘power through’ so much – and trust me, I can be as guilty as the next guy of falling into ‘get ‘er done’ mode! But since I’ve been around the block a few times now, I’ve discovered that ‘learning things the hard way’ is just not as enjoyable as it was in my younger days when I had far less to lose!

The Universe has its ways of teaching us our lessons … some subtle, some not so subtle. It may not be particularly gracious, but that’s just the way things work.

Take our cow scenario, for instance …

The first cow? – reasonably subtle.
The second cow? – not so much.
The third cow? – about as subtle as a two by four over the head!

Listen, you needn’t endure an entire stampede to catch the drift … all you need to do is begin to tune into your more sensitive side … your intuition, your sixth sense, your built-in spiritual GPS system, if you will, and pay attention.

And when you start to really ‘listen’ for the message - you will ‘get it’ easily! … Maybe even before God has to send the entire herd!!!

Until Tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. - Cows are cute, but man - do they make a big mess!

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