Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Power In Partnership

The Power of Partnership

Today, a very special friend of mine whom I met in the business arena came to me and ever so sweetly and powerfully pitched the idea of partnership. Initially, I was a bit floored … not because I wasn’t interested, (far from!) but because I simply wasn’t expecting the invitation. Unsolicited gifts are always the best … and a sure sign from the Universe that God is listening!

We spent about an hour having a very passionate talk about our goals and our dreams, but just barely braising the surface of hundreds … no maybe thousands … of ideas that we have the potential to create together as we begin a joint journey. Each of us has strengths and talents of our own. Individually, we are successful in our own right and can accomplish much, but together – our capabilities are virtually unlimited.

Just thinking about that humbles me and excites me … all at the same time!

It took my pal to remind me that just because Ican do things by myself … doesn’t mean I always have to! And what I can’t do alone … through the power of partnership … we can do magically together.

Reminds me of one of those great kid stories I keep promising you that will drive the idea home, so here you go … picture this …

When my triplets were toddlers, everything was done ‘boot camp’ style. Feed, feed, feed – diaper, diaper, diaper … diaper, diaper, diaper … diaper, diaper … oh, sorry – got stuck for a moment in the old routine! (At the high point, I was changing 126 diapers a week, give or take 3 or 4!) Anyhow – to save time and for the sake of my sanity, I would always give them a bath together too.

(Yes! I have tons of naked blackmail photos that I wield over their teenage heads on a regular basis from this era!)

Once they got clean … and were thoroughly finished making a soggy mess of the bathroom floor … I would scoop each one out, wrap them lovingly in a fluffy towel and herd them into their bedroom for pajamas, pajamas, pajamas! =)

One night I will never forget – I had just dried everyone off and was collecting the wet towels before getting them ready for bed. The laundry room was only one doorway down the hall. I watched 3 little baby bottoms running around the bedroom, busy and giggling and thought, in a moment of what I see now in retrospect as maternal insanity , ’I can make it’!!!

Faster than light I darted out of the bedroom into the laundry room, opened the hamper lid, stuffed the towels inside, closed it again and returned to their bedroom.

Note to self … BIG MISTAKE!!!!

What I walked back into was a site I will never forget. One dresser drawer being held open by Lynzee. One grinning face on Hunter, who had just given his sister a two-handed hike. And Dakota … standing in all her naked glory on top of the dresser … lampshade in one hand … unscrewing the lightbulb with the other! Chinese acrobats? No. Partnership? You bet!

What one cannot do alone, two can do easily … and three can do spectacularly! I’ve see the living proof!

So, I challenge you today … pick something BIG you want to do in your life, but don’t think you can by yourself… (Don’t stop at lightbulbs … stretch with me here, okay?) Approach someone, offer the idea of partnership … and see what magic occurs next.

I can almost promise you that it will be an illuminating experience for both of you! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!!!)

Until tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. – My pal says “1+1=11”. He says he stole that saying from someone … and I like it so I’m stealing it from him. If you like it, feel free to steal it from me. Psssst … pass it on!

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