Saturday, January 2, 2010

SpongeBob Thong

Tonight, two of my daughters and I jumped into the car in and headed for Starbucks. Something about the evening, the girl time … and a coffee sounded great!

The Starbucks we frequent happens to be smack in the middle of a very large grocery store, and with 5 kids in the house, believe me when I say I am in that store almost every day. I have asked politely for my own reserved parking space, but for some reason, they have not obliged me quite yet! (Maybe when I hit the $1 million food bill? … which, by my most recent calculations, should be about next Tuesday!)

Because we shop frequently, we know everyone at this store … we know the managers, we know the baristas, we know the checkers, we know the baggers (my daughter’s boyfriend is one of them!). You know the kind of place I’m talking about.

We feel comfortable there. It’s like an extension of home … and I have the receipts to prove it!

Well, tonight, when the idea struck us to go out for coffee, we were already in our jammies. And the rule in our house? Once in jammies … stay in jammies!!!

Now, it is not really unusual for us to go to Starbucks in our pajamas. (Come to think of it, it is not unusual for us to go to Blockbuster Video in our pjs, Target in our pjs, the Little League Field or Post Office in our pjs …) In fact, it is not unusual for us to ‘feel comfy’ just about anywhere, no matter what we are wearing … especially our trusty jammies!

When we walked into the store tonight, there was a line at the Starbucks counter – about 6 people ahead of us. And thanks to Starbucks’ unmatched entrepreneurial ability to turn coffee drinks into their own food group … when the entire line of customers in front of you order something like a ‘double-shot-venti-ice blended-mocha –super-duper -concoction’ with extra whipped cream and chocolate syrup, you know you’re gonna be there a while!

So what else can you do but make a good time of it? And naturally, that’s exactly what we did.

There we were – talking, laughing … cracking each other (and anyone else within earshot) up and being our usual silly selves. We were happily waiting our turn when a very friendly Hawaiian gentleman, whose interest we’d caught, turned and noticed we were all in our sleepy attire.

After a moment of silence, he smiled and said …

“Wow … I wish I could wear my pajamas into Starbucks, but I don’t think that this place is ready for a full-grown man in …

a SpongeBob thong!”

Then he flashed a contagious grin and started laughing, and we couldn’t help ourselves …

We burst out laughing too! It was one of those spontaneous bonding moments, when a group of people decided not to take life too seriously, and connected in a magical moment.

We all are given the choice, in every situation, to determine how we want to respond to whatever curves life is throwing in our direction. We can be impatient, frustrated, angry – serious, etc. … or we can step back, detach, relax … and lighten up.

All roads lead to the same destination, but one journey is certainly more enjoyable than the other!

Today, I share a quote that I love by Marilyn vos Savant that says …

"At first, I only laughed at myself. Then I noticed that life itself is amusing … and I've been in a generally good mood ever since."

A wise man knows life is far too important to be taken seriously!

So, laugh … with the rest of us!

Until Tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. – Now, the downside of this story is that every time we see this man in the future, we will have a visual of him actually wearing a SpongeBob thong!!! – but then again … could be worth an entire other set of laughs all together! ;-)

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