Saturday, January 2, 2010


Since I’ve been writing the ‘Closet Wisdom’ column, I’ve been spending more time than I used to on line. Yesterday, when I signed on, I posted a message and defined my mood as … WANTED

Well - apparently, people actually do pay attention to that stuff, because today … about 36 hours later … I came home to many, many messages (some that I won’t share! ;-) ) commenting on the fact that I am, in actuality, wanted! Ah … to be in demand. How delicious that feels!

One particular girlfriend of mine was joking around and she said to me … “every time I check in and see how you’re feeling …I want (to be) WANTED”!!!

Yes, in the moment she was being lighthearted, but in reality – wasn’t she sharing an incredible, fundamental truth for all of us? When it comes right down to it, don’t we all want to feel attractive, magnetic, admired … wanted?

The real question is … how do you get into that magical, draw others to ya’, come and get it space? Well, like every great truth – it is simple, but it is not particularly easy.

I haven’t always felt wanted and sought after like I do right now … it has been a journey and a process. There’s a basic equation to this ‘becoming attractive’ thing. (And, when I say attractive … I mean so much more than just your outer appearance … I’m speaking of having that certain edge that makes people keep coming back for more! )

There are steps, and here they are … one by one.

First, check in with your heart and figure out one thing. What is your bliss? What rocks your world? What makes you jump out of bed in the morning? What would you do 24 hours a day for free, just because it makes you feel so good?

Do you love to motivate and inspire people? (That’s my personal bliss!)
Do you love to create beauty through art?
Are you a teacher?
A healer?
A builder?
A writer?

You have a talent - a unique gift- something that lights you up and that will bring joy to both yourself and to others when shared. Find that special thing, and then when you do …

Do it! Pursue it! Become it! Live it! … with passion! Make yourself an expert on it! …

Then, deliver it in the way that only you can.

Model it.
Share it.
Gift it.

The biggest secret (which is no secret at all) is … always give more than is expected, more often than is required … and you will certainly increase your own value and start to become wanted … yes, you will find that you have become a … hot commodity!

Then? Be generous with the magnificence you’ve become. Spread it around! The more you give it out … the more it comes back to you.

Bestow it on others when they ask for it, when they need it, and, sometimes … when they least expect it. Do it with purpose. Do it with power. Do it with confidence. Do it unconditionally. And … watch what happens next …

Suddenly, one day, you will turn around and look behind you … and just like magic … as you are crossing the crosswalk of life, a small crowd will have gathered. And this, my friend, is your very own fan club!

Are you ready?

I think you are … or you wouldn’t be right here, right now, reading these words – you would have picked up the Wall Street Journal or the National Enquirer with your coffee instead.

Go … follow your bliss … work your magic … amaze your friends … and become WANTED! I’ll b e looking out for your ‘mood swing’!

Until Tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. – About that fan club? … I’ll be the President if you haven’t already got one!

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