Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Secret

To me, there is a huge difference between ‘attracting’ something and ‘pursuing’ something. One will bring you great success … one will bring you great exhaustion.

(Perhaps that should be on a fortune cookie! Ah … my writing career branches out again!) ;-)

I spent a long time today talking with a fellow personal coach who is experiencing some difficulty taking his career to the next level … at least that’s what he thinks his trouble is.

He can tell me in detail about the all the ‘tasks’ that he needs to complete in order to grow professionally … promote his book, research marketing sources, create new products, find new clients, etc., etc., etc. … Blech! Sounds like a lot of hard W-O-R-K to me!!!

And he can tell me about all the roadblocks that are ‘preventing him from getting there’. Lack of technical skills, financial limitations, time limitations.

Well, me thinks me knows better!

Truth be told … (and I’m a big one on the truth … even when it stings a little!) the current vibration of energy this lovely man is putting forth in the world right now is about equal to that of ‘Eeyore’ the donkey from Winnie the Pooh!

Are you getting what I’m saying?

Would you want to be coached by Eeyore?

This coach has temporarily misplaced his passion underneath a pile of ‘shoulds’ and ‘to do’s’ … and his spirit is gathering dust.

And as I listened to him share all these ‘things’ that he thinks he needs to make happen in order for him to be happy, I couldn’t help but wonder about something …

Where in his lengthy agenda was there even one mention about the very reason he became a coach in the first place? … his love for all the people who needed his help?

His career had suddenly become … all about him.

Red flag. Red flag.

So I asked him a question …

If you took half of a day for yourself, what could you do that you haven't done in a long time, that would tickle you pink and knock your socks off?!

His response? …

Should know, but I don’t.

Next question …

If you keep choosing to put all your energy into the impossibility of the obstacles right in front of you, how are you ever going to make it past them and down the path to your ultimate destination?

His response? …

Never will. Even I know that.

Last, and probably most important question …

If you as a coach are selling happiness, peace and prosperity, how can you give to others what you do not have yourself?

… still waiting to hear the response to that one.

The prescription?

1) Two hours of time spent outside, barefoot in the dirt, sand, grass – whatever – spending some ‘play’ time. No agendas! (Just some time to get back in touch with his own passion.)

2) Shifting his focus back onto how to ATTRACT his clients, readers, followers ... not how to hunt them down. It doesn't matter where they're hanging out right now. When he puts out the right energy, THEY will find HIM! It’s simple magnetics.

If he listened, all I did was repeat to him … The Secret

When you feel irresistible ... you become irresistible!

And the best part is, you don't have to be a coach to take this prescription!

Today, take some time to get back in touch with your own passion ... and as it grows ... you too will become irresistible to others!

Then let’s see where the path takes you! I guarantee it will lead you to amazing and wondrous places you haven’t even imagined yet! I think I will take my shoes off and join him!

Until tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. – It’s not that I don’t adore Eeyore, it’s just that I’d rather watch him than follow him!

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