Saturday, January 2, 2010

Good Things Come In Threes

Good Things Come In Threes!

They say good things come in threes … and I can certainly attest to the truth of that statement! Mine are a set of triplets named Dakota, Lynzee and Hunter.

Now, truth be told, I do have five children all together, but I’ve come to accept that it is a natural reaction when others find out about the fact that I have triplets, for curiosity to take over and ten burning questions seem to always come blurting out spontaneously. I will happily answer them for you today, but this brings to mind, an amusing memory.

I specifically remember one trip we took to the San Diego Zoo when the babies were about a year old. (Now, as a disclaimer, I have to admit we were somewhat of a spectacle anywhere we went back in those days. Baby stroller the size of a Cadillac – not one, not two, but three seats in a row, front to back. Three babbling little beings … so friendly … and such total hams!!! ) On this day, though - it seemed we were one of the main attractions!

Dakota and Lynzee are identical twins, so they were a matched pair. Hunter was the man of the bunch, content to let his sisters take center stage much of the time. Hmmm … even though they’re almost 16 years old now, not much has changed! I’m thinking that’s just because there’s no way to get a word in edgewise around two teenaged drama queens!! Poor guy!

On the day in question, we entered the front gates of the zoo like everyone else, but it wasn’t long until we’d been discovered. Going incognito is out when you’re toting that many bodies, so what do you do? Grin and bear it. Within moments we were literally surrounded by a crowd of people.

People began pointing and touching and oooing and awing – and yes, asking those ten dreaded questions that I answered almost daily. At this point I remember my Mom leaning over to me and saying, Kim – I’m going to make you up a flyer … “Ten things you want to know about my triplets” and we will hang then in a folder off the back of the stroller! Then, when you get mobbed, you can just silently hand them out and keep walking! (Mom wasn’t too indulgent that day!)

Anyhow, I think the icing on the cake was when a large group of Japanese businessmen (obviously tourists) asked (by way of charades … I don’t speak Japanese!) if they could take a photograph with us to take back to their homeland. It was at that particular moment, as we posed for … the entire country of Japan … that I recall thinking , ‘is this as unusual as people seem to think it is?’

So now, in answer to that one question and the other top nine … I give you my ‘triplet trivia’!

1) Q - How common is it to have triplets?
A- Approximately 1 in 8,100.
2) Q – Were you taking fertility medication?
A – Nope, just lucky, I guess. They happened spontaneously!
3) Q – Do triplets run in your family?
A – Ready for a good laugh? I’m an only child!!
4) Q -How early did you know you were having triplets?
A – at about 8 weeks when I was waking up at midnight craving roast beef sandwiches!
5) Q- Are they identical or fraternal?
A- The girls are identical (one egg that split – they were in the same sack). My son was fraternal. Identicals must be the same sex.
6) Q - How many weeks did you make it before delivering?
A – 34 ½!
7) Q – Did you have them naturally?
A – Had to have a C-Section. The doctors won’t even let you attempt natural birth with anything more than twins!
8) Q – Did you have to go on bed rest or in the hospital early?
A – Nope – woke up the morning of my scheduled amniocentesis in labor at 4 a.m. – delivered the next morning.
9) Q – How many minutes apart were they born?
A – One! 9:15 a.m., 9:16 a.m., and 9:17 a.m. (and don’ t think that one minute in the birth order doesn’t make a difference to them … the oldest holds that 60 seconds over the others’ heads on a daily basis!)
10) Q – How much did they weigh?
A – 3 lbs. 10 oz., 3 lbs. 7 oz. and 2lbs. 14 oz. … and the boy was the smallest!

A few other interesting facts?

I was one of three women pregnant with spontaneous triplets … all due within 2 weeks of one another at our hospital. The hospital hadn’t had a set of triplets born there in over 11 years!

No – you do not sleep for the first 6 months when you have triplets!! (Keep in mind that I had a 2 year old when they were born!)

Only got the girls mixed up one time – tried to feed the same baby twice! (Give me a break, I was tired!!!

Okay, there you go … now you know about my triplets, and a little more about me. I have such stories about these maniacs!!! Cheap entertainment! Trust me … the best is yet to come!

So thought for the day today? Good things come in threes! Don’t doubt it … even if you think the odds are against you!!!

Until tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P. S. – Hey, start counting your ‘good things’ right now … you could be to three before you know it!!!

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