Saturday, January 2, 2010

One Pair At A Time

Like any other day, I stepped into my closet today to write something profound.

Got comfy. Got quiet. Put on my ‘Single Mom thinking cap’ (looks pretty much like a shower cap, but has built-in bells and whistles sewn on the top … oh, and a few sequins too! ;-) ) Sank down into some deep contemplation … reached for brilliance … looked up, and saw? …

Shoes! Many, many shoes!

Now, it struck me … as many different hats as I wear in my life – I have just as many different sets of shoes, too! This comparison brought a smile to my face.

I may not be the originator of this impressive thought, but … I suspect you can tell a lot about people by looking at the shoes they keep in their closet! Take mine, for example.

Because solo parenting of a large family necessitates being super organized … they are divided into ‘categories’! It’s like the aisles at the grocery store. My shoes are grouped according to the function I perform when I’m wearing them.

I have the ‘work’ department. This group consists of several flat, slip on pairs of shoes (all with safety souls, I might add) that are both comfortable and practical for the position I hold during the work week. You can tell when I’ve got these on, I’m all business!

Then I have the ‘athletic’ department. Here in their own little cluster, are 4 pairs of running shoes. Ones I wear when I go out on the trail behind my house for a walk or wear during my work out. And, yes, I’ll admit it … I have one pair in there that are so old and worn in that they have holes in the toes and tattered laces, but when shoes have seen as much action as those have – it is so hard to put them out to pasture. They are like good friends! If I’ve grabbed these, it’s because I could use a hug … and feet are a great place to start!

I also have the ‘Mom’ section. If it’s cold outside, I live in my Ugg Boots (have several pairs in a few different colors), but when it is warm, I am a California girl all the way! Here it comes … I’m gonna make a big confession, now … I have nineteen pairs of flip flops! (Don’t believe me? Oh, there are those who would testify in my defense!) I own every color under the rainbow – cuz they’re easy, they’re cute and … they just plain look great with a tan and a French pedicure! These are for the times I would rather not wear shoes at all – which, for me, is 99% of the time!

The final shelf of shoes in my closet is my kids’ favorite, and mine too … always has been! Can you guess? Yep – it’s the dress up department! Included here are several pair of classy boots, some strappy sandals, and a few pair of stiletto heels that would make you look twice … Okay, one particular red pair? … Maybe three times! ;-) When I’ve picked these, I’m out to make an impression. (Or at least make you think I’m 5 inches taller!)

Yes, I have all of these aspects to myself – I’m complex, and in today’s busy world, it is a necessity.

So what is the bigger message in all of this?

We can only wear one pair of shoes at a time, and you never know what others are still on the rack in another person’s closet.

Stand toe to toe with them when someone walks into your world … meet them in whatever they’re wearing on their feet at the time … but never, ever doubt that there’s more than just what ‘meets the eye’. Your underestimation could lose you a potential ‘sole’ connection!

Until tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. - You know, it really is true … you can’t judge someone unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes … all 27 pairs of them!

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