Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Freedom In Being Flexible

As I was driving home yesterday through the rain, thunder and lightning, I glanced up at my thermometer on the rear view mirror of my truck and it read 52 degrees. Wow … only three days ago, I had been running my air conditioning and buying new pool toys for the back yard while the same gauge read 102 degrees!

That’s a 50 degree temperature swing in just under half a week!

The first thought that came to my mind (in my own amusement) was, “I’m so grateful that I’ve learned how to be flexible!” Dressing for desert conditions and tornados all in the same week takes some willingness to adapt!

You know, there was a time – most of my younger life, as well as when my kids first came along – when a change in plans used to throw me completely into overwhelm. I have always been a highly organized person (blame it on my Capricorn birth sign!) and I like to know who’s doing what, when and how. Extreme planning was my ‘comfort zone’ – I’m guessing because it gave me the illusion of being somewhat ‘in control’ of my corner of the Universe in any given moment – but …

Imagine how that need to ‘stick to the plan … to the letter’ disintegrates when you have not only one child … but then a set of triplets … and ultimately 5 little beings in total - with 5 personalities and 5 schedules come along! The more rigidly I fought to stay the course unwaveringly, the more unhappy it caused the other players in my life to become – and the more crazy it ultimately made ME! At some point, I got the message loud and clear …

”Hey Lady … let go of the oars!”

Now, it is always very important to have plans and a direction. It is imperative that you know where you want to end up in the end … but what I’m suggesting is that sometimes, it is necessary to be flexible in the route we take to get there.

Our hearts don’t lie … if we listen, they whisper to us our deepest desires … but how God answers those prayers for fulfillment is none of our business! Our only job is to get up each day, focus on what we want, live a life congruent with our values and morals, follow our bliss and … navigate the curves in the road along the way!

Face it … the river flows downstream without our assistance – all we must do is get into the flow and let go of the river banks!

The more we can understand the simple truth in this process, the less stress and disappointment we will experience in our lives and the more we open ourselves up to gifts beyond our own imagining! I sort of liken it to playing a board game.

Have you ever played Candy Land? The object of the game is to get yourself from start to finish by following a beautiful candy trail. Along the way, there are sweet treats and delights … there are short cuts and … there are pitfalls - but - all roads lead to the Candy Castle in the end!

Life is like that, my friend … you can’t lose! It’s impossible!!! But you can sure make it a frustrating journey by not being willing to step through unexpected doors that open … or walking away from windows that suddenly close … without regret.

Keep your eyes and your heart open … adapt … adjust … trust… and above all else, remain flexible!

The world won’t stop spinning if things don’t always go exactly how you planned … promise! Relax and float awhile with me!

Until Next Time …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. - ‘The bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you refuse to take the turn’ - anonymous … and hey – it looks fantastic right around the next corner!!!bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you refuse to take the turn. -Anon.

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