Saturday, January 2, 2010

Money Vs. Spirit

Since I actually got some things straightened out in my head several years ago, it has made me really ponder why we as humans invest so strongly in the concept of money vs. spirituality.

Believe me … I bought into that concept and I have lived the battle! And to all of us, I say …

“Try putting them on the same team!”

For the first half of my adult life, my motto was, “Money doesn’t matter, it’s the spirit that counts.

That’s what I believed. That’s what I said. That’s the message I sent out into the “Great Beyond.”

I lived my life by that creed! Therefore …

I had no money.
My friends had no money.
My boyfriends had no money.
My eventual husband had no money.
Etc., etc., etc.

(Well, alright … just enough to survive. … But hey, we had plenty of spirit!!!

Then, eventually, I had kids! A few kids. Uh … a lot of kids!! Five, to be exact.

And guess what I quickly found out?

A lot of kids + no money = trouble experiencing a lot of spirit!

Here’s a secret about money. Ready?

When you’ve got it you don’t think about it, but when you don’t have it … you can’t think about anything else!

Not having enough money creates many interesting dynamics in life, including …

Working H-A-R-D.
Having to say ‘no’ to fun and joy.
Giving most of your time to the pursuit of getting enough of it.

Which leaves little time for experiencing spirit – yours or anyone else’s?

Having been through the course of ‘Becoming Abundant 101’, here are the golden steps to embrace, as I see them, when it comes to money:

1) God wants you to have money.
2) God wants you to have enough money to meet all of your needs.
3) God wants you to have more than enough money to meet all your needs, so you can help others meet their needs.
4) God wants you to teach this to others so we can all live abundantly.

Imagine the great good that could come out of that! Each of us, able to play in our ‘spirit’ everyday, instead of hanging out, worrying about the balance in our checkbook!

I’m all for that, how about you?

Get money! Get comfortable! Get rich! … and don’t apologize! Where do you suppose the idea of money came from in the first place??? Yup … Spirit! ;-)

Until Tomorrow …

Hugs (from the closet),

KimbraLee =)

P.S. - “It's a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.” ~Albert Camus

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